Nasi Lemak (椰浆饭) recipe

Since studying in overseas, I have been learning how to cook at home because eating out is pretty expensive plus it is difficult to find great authentic taste of Malaysia.

Nasi Lemak is a traditional food in Malaysia which is also called Creamy Coconut Rice. It is usually served with crispy anchovies, peanuts, egg, cucumber and a side dish. The side dish can be curry chicken, fried chicken, sambal prawns basically it goes according to personal preferences.

So I made Nasi Lemak with Sis special request, Sambal chicken for dinner the other day. Here it is:

Nasi Lemak (椰浆饭) 


* Coconut rice
  • Rice - 1 cup (Any drinking cup will do)
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Coconut milk - 1/2 cup
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Garlic - 3 cloves (Cut in half)
  • Ginger - 2 thinly sliced
  • Pandan leaf - 5 (Knotted)

1.  Mix all the ingredients above in a rice cooker and cook as you would normally cook your rice.
2.  Before serving, use rice spatula to give the rice a quick stir to fluff the rice.
3.  Next, off to prepare the rest of the condiments.

* Sambal chicken
  • Chicken wings - 5 (Separate the wingette and drummette)
  • Sambal nasi lemak paste - 1 (Chilliz brand, you can find it in Oriental store)
  • Dried prawns - A small handful

1.  Heat up the wok, then add some oil.
2.  Stir fry the chicken until it is half cooked.
3.  Add in dried prawns and fry it till it is slightly crispy.
4.  Add in sambal paste and mix it through until the chicken is cooked. 
5.  Serve it!

* Sambal
  • Onions - 2 (Sliced)
  • Sambal paste - 1 (Chilliz brand)
  • A dash of sugar 

1.  Heat cooking oil and fry onions till fragrant.
2.  Add sambal paste and a dash of sugar to taste.
3.  You can add more sugar if you prefer sweeter sambal.
4.  Serve it!

* Crispy anchovies

1.  Heat cooking oil and fry anchovies till crispy.
2.  Once it is crispy, leave it aside on kitchen paper towel.

* Fried egg, boiled egg

* Cucumber (Thinly sliced)

Finally, assemble the dish on a plate and your final product should look similar to this.

